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12 Amateur Weight Training Errors (And How To Avoid Them)

12 Amateur Weight Training Errors (And How To Avoid Them)

When Arnold Schwarzenegger was just 20 years old, he achieved great success by winning the Mr. Universe weightlifting championship. However, his success didn’t come by accident; like everyone else, he had to learn from beginner mistakes. Now, he promotes his weekly exercise plan to help others build a better lifestyle. Regardless of whether you follow the best bodybuilding exercises, you can still make mistakes when it comes to dieting, exercising, and choosing supplements. So, before setting your bodybuilding goals for this year, read this article to learn about the most common mistakes beginners make and how to avoid them in your training.

Pay attention to these common beginner bodybuilding mistakes:

One of the most common and simple mistakes anyone can make when entering the world of fitness is to blindly dive into the gym. This can happen to anyone, whether they are just starting out in weightlifting or retired and looking for a new routine.

However, it’s an easy mistake to avoid.

1) Lack of a Clear Bodybuilding System

When you walk into a gym, it can be tempting to go straight to the weights and lift heavy, but if it’s your first time, your body will suffer. To start, you need to explore different bodybuilding programs and find one that fits your lifestyle. For example, if you work full-time during the week, you may not want to choose a training plan that requires you to go to the gym during work meetings. To avoid burning out after your first week of bodybuilding, find an online workout schedule that has been recommended in forums. Alternatively, if you have experience with weightlifting and other workout routines, you can also experiment with creating your own routine. This allows you to make the most of your training time. Keep this in mind when creating a new bodybuilding plan.

2) Jumping Between Exercise Programs

Another mistake that can happen when choosing a workout plan is jumping to a new one because you get bored. This can happen if you’ve been following the same routine for a long time. However, progress only happens when you stick with your program and commit to it fully. If you come across a new exercise you want to try, you can keep it in mind for later and return to it when the time is right. It’s great to be enthusiastic about bodybuilding techniques, but you need to give a program at least six months if you want to see muscle gains and definition in your body.

3) Skipping Warm-Up

Strength-based exercises are great for relieving stress and working on personal issues, but you need to be in the right mindset when you start your session. Beginners often overlook the importance of warm-ups when they arrive at the gym because they want to start with fun exercises like kettlebells or leg presses. All it takes is 5 minutes of walking on the treadmill or a few warm-up exercises to get your body warmed up and blood flowing. So, put on your favorite song and take your time to warm up. This allows your body to familiarize itself with the movement and will prevent post-workout DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness).

4) Not Learning the Basics

You can’t reach the level of Arnold Schwarzenegger without mastering the basics of bodybuilding. Gyms are filled with expensive, complicated machines that can take your training to the next level. However, you need to make time to learn the basics if you want to progress to more advanced exercises.

In reality, the best exercises to focus on as a beginner are as follows:

  • Deadlifts
  • Pullups
  • Rows
  • Dips
  • Squats

By familiarizing yourself with these basic exercises, you’ll find it much easier to progress in your workouts.

5) Ignoring Form

Proper form is another crucial aspect of bodybuilding, as it’s important if you want to prevent injury and see muscle growth in different areas. One way to learn about form is by training with a personal trainer or watching instructional videos online. Ideally, you can partner up with a workout buddy and train together so that someone can observe your form. The right form will take pressure off your joints, build muscle, and reduce the risk of injury during workouts. It may take some time before you learn the correct way to hold weights or perform a pullup, but you should seek help along the way. To avoid practicing incorrect form, start with lighter weights and gradually build up your strength in stages. The best way to know if you’re using the correct form during an exercise is to focus on the muscle and ensure that you feel it working. Being mindful while you’re learning will help you identify how to engage the muscles in your body and what it should feel like during training.

6) Going Too Heavy Too Soon

Just like learning proper form while working out, going too heavy too soon in your training can be detrimental to your body and progress. If you overestimate your strength, you could end up with serious injuries or have to skip your workouts for weeks. There’s no need to lift heavy weights in the beginning, especially to see real growth. Find a steady pace, and the results will speak for themselves. To feel a stronger pump after your workout, you can try working out for shorter periods and gradually increase the weight over time. This will give you a sense of accomplishment without risking injuries. Plus, it allows you to fit in other things in your life, like work and family responsibilities.

7) Your Workout Is Too Long

Getting in the zone while working out is part of the fun when it comes to bodybuilding. Once you finish warming up and start lifting, time seems to fly by; before you know it, it’s been over an hour. While this may be great for your mental well-being and learning techniques, it can overwhelm your body. Likewise, training for too long, more than a few days or a week, could hinder your gains. You need to give yourself rest days and focus on different exercises for different body parts. For example, you should never train your arms for two consecutive days. You need to give your body time to recover and rest before training again. Stick to your training program and focus on cardio when you’re not lifting heavy. You can go for a hike, run, or long walk. As long as you keep moving, you’ll reap the benefits of burning off calories and getting more out of your training sessions.

8) Eating Unhealthy Food

The best bodybuilders don’t just focus on training when preparing for competitions. They also pay attention to their diet and limit their intake of junk food. Bodybuilding training is meant to push your body to its limits, so you need to fuel it with nutritious, quality food. If you’re eating junk food regularly, your body will feel sluggish and tired the next day. So, you need to assess your pantry and ensure that no indulgences are hidden in the fridge. You can still enjoy good food, but in moderation. Instead, you should focus on getting the right amount of protein, vitamins, and carbohydrates. If you’re busy with other responsibilities outside of bodybuilding, you can create a meal plan and prepare your food in advance. This is a great way to avoid the temptation of eating junk food after a long day, and it will provide you with a routine that is easy to follow.

Here are some simple meal ideas to inspire you:

  • Sweet potato and beef bowl
  • Salmon, rice, and broccoli
  • Spinach and feta salad
  • Egg and avocado toast
  • Overnight oats

Depending on your dietary needs, you can add or remove ingredients and create delicious meals for yourself. When you go to the gym, carrying a protein snack or piece of fruit is smart in case you get hungry after an intense workout. And don’t forget to always have a large water bottle with you. Hydration is another important factor if you want to stay healthy and see progress.

9) Lack of Sleep

Whether you’re a bodybuilder or a yoga instructor, sleep is the only way your body will recover and rest while you’re working out. The ideal amount of sleep you should aim for is 8 hours per night. However, it can be challenging to maintain this sleeping routine if you have young family members or late nights at work. If possible, adjust your sleep schedule and go to bed earlier on nights when you don’t need to stay up late. Alternatively, you can try taking a nap during the day after lunch or in the afternoon. It’s best to avoid watching TV or being on screens late at night as this will stimulate your brain and make it harder to fall asleep. Prioritize sleep, and your training sessions will feel much easier. And if you can’t get a full 8-9 hours of sleep per night, take power naps and go to bed early whenever possible.

10) Rest Isn’t Your Best Friend

Rest is equally important as sleep, but that doesn’t mean you can’t rest and be active. For example, you can take deload breaks while following a program that allows you a week to catch up on relaxation. If you don’t include occasional breaks in your program, you’ll wear your body out with excessive exercise. Often, people don’t deload until it’s necessary, and it can be too late. You can already injure yourself if you don’t listen to your body and pay attention to your fatigue levels. People also choose to deload if their program is not yielding results. Within a few months, you should see noticeable muscle difference. If you don’t feel progress, it may be time to try a new routine. When you want to switch programs, you should deload and start a new training schedule. That way, your body will have a chance to recover before you explore new training methods.

11) Ignoring Injuries

Exercising should never feel painful or cause discomfort. So, if you’re experiencing lower back pain and continue with your training program as usual, you need to stop and address the injury. If you don’t take time off and heal your injury, it may never fully recover. Plus, your workouts will suffer from a lack of consistency. The only time you should continue to train is if the pain is mild. However, rest and wait until you feel improved.

12) Choosing the Wrong Workout Partner

Friendships of any kind can either enhance your life or make it worse. The same principle applies to a workout partner. You need to choose someone who will be supportive when you go to the gym, push you to keep improving, and motivate you. If you’re lucky, you may already have a workout partner. Alternatively, you can join a local gym and find like-minded people who enjoy bodybuilding as well. Surround yourself with motivation when you first start out, and you’ll notice a huge difference.

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